Town Square Permits

Photo of adults, kids, taking over new Town Square space under blue skies with future community centre in the background

Residents flock into the new Town Square after the official opening. Photo courtesy Erin Hatfield

The new Sorauren Park Town Square is a perfect venue for family-friendly concerts, festivals, markets, and celebrations. It can also be used for filming.

The Square features a hard-surface area (permeable pavers and concrete ribbons) of approximately 70 feet by 90 feet surrounded mostly by green lawn and young trees. The lawn on the north side slopes gently upwards, forming a natural amphitheatre.

The Square is also powered with two event bollards offering eight 110V electrical outlets in each bollard.

The Square lies between the Sorauren Park Fieldhouse on the west and the future community centre on the east… the old linseed oil mill that is currently fenced off. The Square itself is the site of the former flaxseed elevators that fed the mill from the rail spurs that came up Wabash Avenue.

Linseed (flax) mill on Wabash Avenue

Illustration showing the linseed (flax) mill on Wabash Avenue, looking north. The Sorauren Town Square occupies the space where the tall flax seed elevators once stood. The mill still stands and is the site of the future Wabash Community Centre.

At night, the Town Square is lit with four primary lamp standards with LED lights giving a gentle, warm glow on the warm-coloured pavers that reflect the natural brick colours of the surrounding former industrial buildings.

The Sorauren Fieldhouse offers indoor meeting space, washrooms and a small community kitchen. It must be permitted separately if your event would like to use both the Square and the Fieldhouse.

The City of Toronto offers different types of permits depending on the type of event:

Outdoor Special Events: for non-profit and community organizations holding events that are open to the public. Rates start at $79.58 and up, based on the numbers of expected attendees.

Social Gathering: Includes events such as family gatherings and company picnics with more than 25 attendees.

Commercial Activity Permits

Film Permits

Note: Depending on your event, you may also need additional permits for music amplification, temporary food service, security, etc. Apply well in advance! The district permit office can help you determine what you need and costs.

For more information:

24 hours: Call 311

Toronto and East York Parks Permit Office
(Sorauren Park is in Ward 14, Toronto)
416-338-2614 (business hours 8:30 – 4:00 p.m.)
Toronto City Hall
100 Queen Street
Main Floor, East Tower
Fax: 416-392-1551

Sorauren Town Square looking east with old linseed factory (future community centre) as the backdrop

Sorauren Town Square looking east with old linseed factory (future community centre) as the backdrop

Town Square looking west toward Sorauren Park Fieldhouse. Farmers Market runs every Monday 3 - 7 p.m.

Town Square looking west toward Sorauren Park Fieldhouse. Farmers Market runs every Monday 3 – 7 p.m.

Sloped lawn on north side of Town Square

Sloped lawn on north side of Town Square

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