Category: Bake Oven

Solar Eclipse Viewing Party April 8

It’s the cosmic event of the year! Come view the solar eclipse with the community at Sorauren Park on eclipse day, Monday, April 8 from 2 – 4 pm. (Reminder, it’s a PA day for schools.)

The Sorauren Stargazers and the Friends of Sorauren Park are hosting a viewing party on the Town Square. We’ll have a limited number of ISO-certified eclipse glasses, which must be worn to safely view the eclipse directly. Bring your own if you have them. Libraries may have supplies.

To celebrate, we’ll be serving fresh-baked Eclipse Cookies from the bake oven, and Sorauren Solar Mocktails, while supplies last. There’ll be kids’ kosmic kraft activities, and a fire pit for warming up. We’ll also have an eclipse projection stand to view the eclipse safely on a white board, and education displays.

Toronto is just outside the zone of total eclipse, but will experience a 99% partial eclipse as the moon slides slowly over the face of the sun in a grand orbital dance. April weather is iffy, so follow @SoraurenPark on Instagram, Facebook and X for updates, or visit this site. (If it’s cloudy but not raining, we’ll still party on.) Also sign up for the Sorauren Park newsletter for park news and events.

Big thanks to our sponsors Laneway Custom Build, Scooter Girl Toys, The Mercantile, Chander Chaddah, Sutton Group Associates and Phila Optical for supporting the activities. Clear skies!

PS: Remember to come to the RC Toy Car Derby on March 30 at the ball diamond!

Thank you volunteers and sponsors!

Three cheers for our volunteers and sponsors! Thanks to them, the Friends of Sorauren Park provides free year-round park programming and community-building.

As a special thank-you, last week the Friends hosted an appreciation dinner for volunteers and sponsors featuring make-your-own pizzas fresh from the park’s pizza oven… itself a donation to the park from the Friends, sponsors and donors.

From annual events like outdoor movies, world dance lessons, radio-controlled toy car rally and the natural ice rink, to special events like festivals and live sports and arts telecasts, the Friends of Sorauren Park have animated the park since 2006. Founded that year as a community non-profit corporation, the Friends also promoted and successfully fundraised for the Sorauren Park Fieldhouse and Town Square, and have advocated for the Wabash Community Centre. We have supported our friends at the Sorauren Farmers Market and Sorauren Sports Association, helped to promote and support the Pumpkin Parade, and organized the annual Spring Swap of sports and recreation gear. And there’s more to come!

None of it would happen without our many volunteers, sponsors and donors. Thank you! See you at the park.

Family Day fun Feb. 20 at the park

The Sorauren Farmers’ Market and Friends of Sorauren Park are teaming up to bring extra-special Family Day fun to Sorauren Park on Monday, February 20… Family Day.

Ball hockey on the Town Square starts at 1 pm, all welcome. Then the Market gets under way at the Fieldhouse and the bake oven at 3 pm. The Market will have a hot chocolate station, fresh-made delights from the bake oven, kids’ games and activities, face painting and a maple syrup demo. The Market runs till 7 pm.

Mark your calendar now and see you at the park!

Sorauren bake oven goodies Wednesdays in July

New at the park: For Goodness Bakes! The bakers from Friends of Sorauren Park are firing up the bake every Wednesday evening in July, 6 – 8:30 pm, for fresh baked goodies. Each Wednesday features different recipes from ingredients donated by wonderful neighbourhood bakeries. (And you can burn off those calories with free world dance beginner lessons also every Wednesday evening in July, on the Sorauren Town Square.)

Quantities are limited. Pay what you can; all proceeds support the non-profit Friends of Sorauren Park and free park programming.

Big thanks to sponsor Avryll McNair, Bosley Real Estate, for rising to the occasion, along with our bakeries.

For Goodness Bakes schedule:

  • July 6: Sourdough bread, croissants and cinnamon buns, Blackbird Baking Co.
  • July 13: Chocolate chip, oatmeal raisin and ginger cookies, Mabel’s Bakery and Specialty Foods
  • July 20: Beer cheddar scones and pork sausage rolls, Oy’s Joys Bakery
  • July 27: White and whole wheat dinner rolls, Robinson Bread

The Sorauren Park bake oven was donated by Friends of Sorauren Park and supporters. Sitting cold through the height of the pandemic, the oven now fires again!

Farmers’ Market Country Fair on Labour Day 3-7pm

Come to the Sorauren Park Town Square this holiday Monday September 2 for the annual Sorauren Farmers’ Market Country Fair! In addition to Market favourites including farmers’ kiosks, fresh prepared food and the popular pizza oven, the extra-special Country Fair features a raffle, live music, corn roast, dog show, and the annual “Best in Fair” competition. Enter your best veggies, jams, pickles and more!

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Thanks for a great 2018 outdoor movie season

The audience settles in for the last movie of the 2018 season at Sorauren Park

Several hundred people packed the Town Square and surrounding lawn for Moana on September 22, following the Basketball Jamboree, kids’ games and Teddy Bear Clinic with real vets (!), and capping off a grand 2018 Sorauren Outdoor Movie Season.

Big thanks to everyone who came out to the free movie screenings, which began in June and included a special add-on screening of Hocus Pocus in collaboration with City of Toronto and Park People. It takes a community to organize, execute and pay for movies (several thousand dollars in permits, licenses, equipment, insurance, supplies, etc.) Thanks to:

  • The volunteers who ran the concession and pizza stands, set up and tore down equipment, and promoted and secured sponsorships for the series.
  • City of Toronto Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
  • Our devoted Presenting Sponsors: Dundas West Animal Hospital, Master Mechanic High Park, Meridian Credit Union.
  • Our hard-working pizza oven operator: Pizzeria Defina (a share of all proceeds gets donated back to the park).
  • Moana special event sponsors: Scooter Girl Toys, The Little Paper, Friends of Charles G. Williams Park (proceeds to the Charles G playground fund).

The movie series is produced by the Friends of Sorauren Park. The Friends will be meeting over the winter to plan the 2019 series, including strategies to reduce the long (yet congenial) lines at the pizza oven and concession stand… thanks for your patience! You’re invited to join us the first Thursday of most months, 7 pm in the Sorauren Fieldhouse, for the regular monthly meeting of the Friends.

Presenting Sponsors



Pizza Oven Sponsor



Moana Special Sponsors